Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Being Yourself - The most cliche' statement ever!

Hey all!

Hope you are doing good! I have been on and off blogging since I started working, but thoughts keep lingering on my mind on topics hence I thought lets break the ice and start with something at least!

I have heard this statement "Being yourself", or "Be yourself" a lot! In fact I might be guilty of saying this overrated statement myself. Honestly, you cant be yourself, you are not allowed! No, don't look at me like I am passing some judgement, but seriously its tough and in fact impossible.

People expect you to perform certain roles in life, be it at home or office and judge you on the basis of your behavior. Doing your own things is tough, as we are bogged down by "others" giving you gyan on what's right and what's not! Amidst all this you get caught in what you want to do and what others expect you to do.

I think this term "be yourself" should be changed to "just be" or "BE" or "exist"!

If you have a better term, please share!

SO much for my rambling. What do you feel?
