Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Are you random too?

Hello All!

Pardon the title of this post, since I was just sitting and wondering is it just the "girl hormone" or do we girls are really random! You all have had moments, and that very rare. So does it happen to you too!

1. I have zillion tops of the same color?

2. I always end up buying similar looking lipsticks.

3. I buy stuff if its packaged cute!

4. I imagine myself wearing a certain dress but when it comes to actually wearing it, I am never satisfied.

5. I buy make up randomly.

6. I will buy a cream if it smells lovely.

7. I never know what to wear even though my wardrobe is overflowing!

8. I throw away certain clothes, then regret it later.

9. I have a pedicure manicure kit, facial kit, but I never do it at home.

10. I eat chocolate when bored.

11. I do online window shopping.

12. I like watching cookery shows!

13. Sometimes I just want to wear my PJ's and watch chick flicks the whole damn day.

14. My jewelry box is so full, but I am still craving for stuff to buy.

15. I am just too random in my thoughts hence this post! :)

Well, whatever it is, be it a girl thing or xyz, its just fabulous to be a girl, to experience the roller coaster emotions, the urges and the cravings! The mood swings and the well the randomness! 

Would love to know your random moments, please add to the list! 

Comment below!




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