Friday, June 6, 2014

Random thoughts: Good things in life!

How often do we celebrate the simple joys and happiness of life? That smell of rain, that brewing of a nice cup of coffee, or just plain dal chawal on a hectic tiring day! Life is tough.period. No one has it easy and everyone is going through his or her ups and downs. Hence more of a reason to celebrate the good things in life and make life worthwhile even though the head is dealing with a mess of its own!

1. Take out time for yourself

You are your best company.

"leave me alone" Yes try!

2. Have chai and biscuits! (or a beverage of your choice)

Trust me it helps!

my go-to stress beverage!

3. Holiday..Hills..bliss!

Not everyone is fortunate enough to do this but if you can run to the hills now!


4. Buy something.

Retail therapy, best therapy!

5. Food for thought

Eat what reminds you of your childhood. Happy memories!

shakarpara namakpara - killer combo!

More such random thoughts to follow.
